Objectives of EDEP
- The registration of Dorian scientists so that they get in direct contact with the particular motherland of Dorida, her people and her particular culture.
- The formation of a bank of information, according to a particular branch of science, useful for the daily life of the Dorian compatriots.
- The scientific assistance to every public institution of the Municipality of Dorida through the preparation of opinions and other special studies by the members of EDEP. Aiming at the utilization of the scientific knowledge and experience of the members, which will result in the spiritual, social, cultural and economic development, upgrading and promotion of Doris and the Dorians.
- The promotion of the scientific work and scientific achievements of the Dorian scientists in the various fields of the country's economic, political, social and cultural life.
- Particular attention to the spiritual, cultural, and natural wealth of the Doris area, so that it becomes a tourist center.
- The awareness of the Dorian citizens towards the environment and the contribution to the promotion of ways of better exploitation of productive means through specific scientific evidence.
- Informing and enlightening with accountability and scientific accuracy of public opinion, formulating and presenting views and views on important issues that concern the local community at first, and still further the national and global.
- Supporting young Dorian scientists in their pursuit of scientific and professional development and the fulfillment of their scientific and professional aspirations.
The Association of Dorian Scientists is a Legal Person of Private Law
The Statute of the Union has been recognized and registered in the Athens Court of First Instance in 2015.